Around the UK

Krunch  began in Oldbury, Sandwell and we  have been supporting and mentoring local children and young people for over 20 years.  We provide bespoke one to one mentoring, therapeutic emotional health and wellbeing interventions and alternative education placements for 9-19 year olds.

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Krunch South West in Thornbury provide youth activities and mentoring for local young people.

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Read Our IMPACT REPORT for 2023-2024

Please click the following link:

Krunch Impact Report 23-24






Krunch UK Board Announcement July 2025


What are we about?

Read Our IMPACT REPORT for 2022-2023

Please click the following link:

Krunch Impact Report 22-23





Read Our IMPACT REPORT for 2021-2022

Please click the following link:







Krunch with a K! A brilliant Voluntary organisation that is doing a huge amount to help mend the broken society.

David Cameron – Prime Minister